Coast Rosemary
Pink Powder Puff

Coast Rosemary

Common name: Coast Rosemary
Botanical name: Westringia fruticosa

The Australian Rosemary is an evergreen shrub that grows 6' tall and 12' wide. It has soft, gray green leaves and white flowers throughout the year especially in frost free areas and prefers full sun. This shrub is also drought tolerant but will look better with occasional watering in spring and summer. This plant is great in coastal areas since it tolerates wind and salt spray.


Common name: Kleinia
Botanical name: Senecio mandraliscae

Kleinia is a spreading succulent and ground cover that grows to about 6" to 18" tall with florescent blue green foliage. The ice plant like leaves are long and slender.It is from South Africa and works well in Mediterranean gardens. It is good in most sun conditions and can take very little watering or regular garden watering making it very adaptable for garden design. It performs best with full sun and regular water. Once it is established it is very drought tolerant. It is easy to propagate as are many succulents. Any section of the plant broken off and dug into the soil will reroot.

Pink Powder Puff

Common name: Pink Powder Puff
Botanical name: Calliandra haematocephala

This evergreen shrub will grow 10' tall and wide. It produces puff-ball, red flowers that bloom in winter and spring. Foliage is evergreen, with copper colored new growth, changing to dark green. Pods appear after blooming period and will "explode" at times spewing seeds. It is a beautiful espalier plant. This shrub does best in full sun with well draining soil. It tolerates coastal as well as desert areas. Prune after bloom period. Low watering needs once it's established.