Blue Aster
Chiapas Sage

Blue Aster

Common name: Blue Aster
Botanical name: Aster x frikartii

Blue Aster is a very popular flower for color beds. It is a perennial in some areas but grown as an annual in warm areas. This plant can reach 1'-3' tall and grows in clumps. During summer and fall, daisy-like, fragrant flowers with violet blue rays and yellow centers appear above the foliage, attracting butterflies. Leaves are dark green and a bit sticky. This plant does best in full sun with well draining soil. It looks great in containers.

Chiapas Sage

Common name: Chiapas Sage
Botanical name: Salvia chiapensis

3-4 feet tall, wider relaxed width. Larger dimensions in the shade. A lovely, tender dark-green foliage plant with deep hot pink flowers, a favorite in frost-free locales.