Silver Mound Artemisia
Trailing African Daisy
Cockspur Coral Tree
Southern Sword Fern
Silver Maple
Western Catalpa
Trailing African Daisy

Silver Mound Artemisia

Common name: Silver Mound Artemisia
Botanical name: Artemisia sch. 'Silver Mound'

Aptly named, 'Silver Mound' has soft, feathery foliage and forms a compact, silky, cushion-like mound. It has many applications in the garden including: edging, rock gardens, pots, or a filler plant for hot, dry areas. It has long been one of the most popular silver foliage plants. 'Silver Mound' combines especially well with dark leaved plants such as Sedum 'Purple Emperor' or with other silver foliage plants like Stachys 'Silver Carpet'.

Trailing African Daisy

Common name: Trailing African Daisy
Botanical name: Osteospermum fruticosum

This groundcover-small shrub will grow 1' tall, spreading 4' in a year. It has medium-size green leaves with lavender that have a dark purple center. The flower color changes to white the next day! The flowers bloom in fall and winter but in mild coastal areas, may bloom all year. It needs well draining soil. This plant looks great on a hillside or in a hanging basket. Other Names: Freeway Daisy

Cockspur Coral Tree

Common name: Cockspur Coral Tree
Botanical name: Erythrina crista-galli

This medium-size tree will grow 20' tall and wide. It produces beautiful red or pink, fragrant blooms in spring and summer. Leaves are deciduous, dark green and grouped in 3 leaflets that can grow 6" long and 1.2" wide. Watch out for thorns on leaves. Large brown pods appear after bloom period, creating litter. It does best in full sun and will need occasional deep watering once it's established. It can tolerate temps to 20 degrees F. Prune spent flowers once a year to improve next year's bloom and keep size to your liking. Trunk grow crooked and has dark furrowed markings. It tolerates coastal conditions, sandy and loam soil. Very attractive. Also known as: Ceibo

Southern Sword Fern

Common name: Southern Sword Fern
Botanical name: Nephrolepis cordifolia

Nephrolepis cordifolia is tough and easy to grow. This fern has bright green, narrow, upright fronds in tufts to 2'-3' tall. Fronds have closely spaced, finely toothed leaflets.

Silver Maple

Common name: Silver Maple
Botanical name: Acer saccharinum

This fast-growing tree can reach heights of 40-80' and spread half the height. Deciduous leaves are lobed, 6" across, light green on top and silvery on bottom.The fall color is considered not significant. Before leafing out in spring, clusters of green/yellow flowers appear. Bark is gray colored and starts to exfoliate with age. Tree leaks sap. With an aggressive root system, this tree can be hard on sidewalks and sewers. It is, however, one of the best trees for poor soils where few other trees will grow. Branches break easily in wind.

Western Catalpa

Common name: Western Catalpa
Botanical name: Catalpa speciosa

This large, deciduous tree has a round head with large, heart-shaped leaves. In the late spring and early summer months, large clusters of white, trumpet-shaped flowers are seen above the leaves. This tree is also known as hardy catalpa, Northern Catalpa, cigar tree and Catawba-tree. It is called cigar tree because its fruit or seed pods resemble a long, slender cigar. The leaves, which are late to emerge in the spring are shaped like a heart and their large size gives the tree an over all course texture. Trumpet shaped flowers that are white with yellow stripes and purple spots are dramatic in early June. The tree does best in moist settings and in high PH soils.

Trailing African Daisy

Common name: Trailing African Daisy
Botanical name: Osteospermum fruticosum

This groundcover-small shrub will grow 1' tall, spreading 4' in a year. It has medium-size green leaves with lavender that have a dark purple center. The flower color changes to white the next day! The flowers bloom in fall and winter but in mild coastal areas, may bloom all year. It needs well draining soil. This plant looks great on a hillside or in a hanging basket. Other Names: Freeway Daisy